The target cells of the pathogen Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) still remain unclear of how it is transmitted. It is hypothesised that dendritic cells may be the first target cells.
How do you know if yourself, a friend or family member has the chickenpox? Symptoms of chickenpox generally don't appear until 2-3 weeks after contact. First signs are generally feeling lethargic and/or tired. You may have swollen glands or a fever and the rash will break out in the next few days. The rash appears as red spots, which can be present all over the body including the mouth, ears and nose. They are unbearably itchy.
Will you completely recover?
Yes, recovery from chickenpox is almost certain. It generally takes 7-10 days for full recovery. Depending on the strength of chickenpox you received is dependent on wether scars appear. Generally there were only be a few scars, if the spots are scratched there is a high risks of scaring but not life long. After a few weeks you should feel fine and be back on track.
How many people die per year from chickenpox?
The fatality rate for chickenpox is very low. In the early 1990's an average 150 people died per year, after the vacation had been introduced less than 100 die per year. It is very rare as more than 4 million people get the disease yearly.