Friday, 21 March 2014


Hi, welcome to 'Chickenpox Stop'. Here you'll find information all about Chickenpox, the cause of it, symptoms and most importantly how to reduce yours or your child's chance of catching the disease. You can help us prevent this disease that the number of deaths are rapidly decreasing due to vacations but still kills more than a 100 lives annually. 
Stand against Chickenpox!


Have you ever heard of the word pathogen and don't know what it stands for?
Well a pathogen is the cause of a disease, it is a bacterial, virus or other microorganism. 
It is the more complex name for a disease. Chickenpox the scientific name for the pathogen is Varicella-zoster virus (VZV).
Varicella-zoster virus is highly contagious, it is spread through direct touching or can be through air. Most people have had chickenpox by there adult hood, and that is a benefit as it can be more serve if you catch it as an adult. If you are in a room for more than 15 minutes with someone infected, or have contact with them it is very likely you get chickenpox.
Since the vacation came out in 1995 against Varicella-zoster virus there has been more than 12 million injected.             


The target cells of the pathogen Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) still remain unclear of how it is transmitted. It is hypothesised that dendritic cells may be the first target cells. 
How do you know if yourself, a friend or family member has the chickenpox? Symptoms of chickenpox generally don't appear until 2-3 weeks after contact. First signs are generally feeling lethargic and/or tired. You may have swollen glands or a fever and the rash will break out in the next few days. The rash appears as red spots, which can be present all over the body including the mouth, ears and nose. They are unbearably itchy.

Will you completely recover?
Yes, recovery from chickenpox is almost certain. It generally takes 7-10 days for full recovery. Depending on the strength of chickenpox you received is dependent on wether scars appear. Generally there were only be a few scars, if the spots are scratched there is a high risks of scaring but not life long. After a few weeks you should feel fine and be back on track. 

How many people die per year from chickenpox?
The fatality rate for chickenpox is very low. In the early 1990's an average 150 people died per year, after the vacation had been introduced less than 100 die per year. It is very rare as more than 4 million people get the disease yearly. 


What can I do if I, or someone I know has the disease?
There are soothing creams available to apply to the itchy spots. Antihistamine tablets are helpful and a good idea to take a night to help you sleep, without the distraction of itching. It is important to keep hydrated and if you have headaches or pains Pandol can be taken. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014


How can my chances be reduced?
Chicken pox can prevent/reduced by getting vaccinate. It is highly recommended you do as it reduces your chances of catching it, up to 90%. Be precautional around people with the disease, you should avoid contact and disinfect your house if you live in the same house.
However if you have had the disease previously it is very, very uncommon to get it again. This is because you body would have build antibodies against the Varicella-zoster virus. You may get the virus but the antibodies will destroy it before you get any symptoms, you will be unaware.


What is a vaccination?
A vacation is a tiny piece of a microbe that is dead or weak, (doesn't make you sick). It is inserted into your body. Your body then makes an antibody to destroy it. Therefore if you come in contact with that disease again your body will know how to destroy it as fast as possible. Vacations are definitely essential to your health, it will reduce you chances of disease by 70-90%. Instead of having to catch the disease, get symptoms and create an antibody for it, your body does this with the dead microbe so you don't actually feel sick at all. Some vactations can be a life saver!

In Australia you get vaccinated for Varicella (chickenpox) when you are between 10-15 years of age. If you have already had the disease prior to this age it isn't necessary to get the vacation, as you would already have an antibody. The vacation is done later in a child's life as it is okay for children to get it at a young age, it is a more serious disease the older you are when you catch it.


'CCN'. 2012. Available at < > (Accessed 19th March 2014)

'Chickenpox'. 2012. Available at <> (Accessed 19th March 2014)

'Medicine Net'. 2014. Available at < > (Accessed 19th March 2014)

'Raising Children'. 2014. Available at <> (Accessed 21st March 2014)

'Southern Cross'. 2014. Available at < > (Accessed 20th March 2014)

'Wiki How'. 2012. Available at <> (Accessed 21st March 2014)

'World of Biology'. 2014. Available at < > (Accessed 21st March 2014)